Amirkabir Petrosanat Processors Company is one of the knowledge-based companies active in oil, gas and petrochemical fields, with more than a decade of experience. This company is in the list of vendors of various companies such as Iran's National Oil Products Distribution Company, Tabriz Petrochemical, etc. It is active in the field of precision instrument industries such as supply, commissioning, repairs, localization and consulting and training, and this company has several knowledge-based products in its fields of work and has four different departments:

  • Instrument Department
  • Department of Mechanics
  • Department of Interior Design and Construction
  • Commercial Department

According to different industrial needs; Departments carry out various projects and designs for various industries. Some of the company's activity areas are:

  1. maintenance and repair of LG/TG systems related to measuring the product level of oil tanks
  2. Advice for choosing altimeter systems
  3. Training how to work with specialized systems and software, radar altimeters and servers
  4. Reverse engineering of analog and digital electronic boards
  5. Using acoustic waves and vibrations in troubleshooting, leak detection, etc., in various industrial equipment such as water, gas, oil, etc.
  6. Repair of electronic boards of radar systems
  7. Preparation and supply of electronic boards and various equipment parts
  8. Preparation and supply of various Entis Pro and TankMastr software and...